We're a small group of parent and staff volunteers who give their time to create better learning experiences for our children.
As well as raising much-needed funds that improve our college, the social events we run bring the whole community together, and links with teachers help to give all parents a say in their child’s education.
We understand it may be daunting for many of you either being new to the college or maybe you've just never thought about attending a PTFA meeting before. We really need more input from parents, but in particular from the younger year groups. As you can imagine, it's been a very difficult couple of years for the college and they need our help!
We have parents who work part-time or full-time, any time you can give is welcome. We have very informal short meetings every 6 weeks, about an hour long, with tea, coffee and biscuits as a bonus! And you don’t even need to come to all of them - pick something that you and a few friends could work on together and make it your own, or join together with some like minded parents and create something new. We’re also trialling remote access so jump on the computer and join us from the comfort of your sofa!
Funds raised
With the funds that we have raised over the last few years, including an amazing £5600 from our Christmas Raffle and Fayre in December, we have just been able to pay for the following items from the departmental bids this March 2023 –
- £500 tablets for Ukrainian students to help with communication
- £200 mainstream curriculum – Lego therapy
- £800 40 x embroidered athletic vests
- £748 22 x year 10 + 11 rugby vests
- £198 LED studio lights
- £109 50ML lens for cannon camera
- £155 slider for camera
- £328 camera gimbal
- £2500 blackout blinds for art department
- £1150 blackout blinds in DT1 and DT2
- £1490 fence for garden area via Men In Sheds
- £2000 Challenge Week help for those less able
- £500 headphones for Lexia students
- £230 BBQ for school events
How to help
If you haven’t got the time to support the PTFA in a physical way, then it’s also really easy to help out financially via Parent Pay.
We are enormously fortunate in the quality of buildings and facilities available at the college, and perhaps even more fortunate in the willingness of our staff to provide an unparalleled range of opportunities for our students. Please support us by contributing to the PTFA fund! You can make either a one off payment or multiple payments throughout the year of £5.00, £10.00, £15.00 or £20.00.
If every family were able to donate £5 per term, then that alone would raise at least £10000 per year. We would then still have money to allocate to extra projects from the other fund raising we do through the year. Thank you for your continued support.
Meeting Dates
- Tuesday 17th September 2024 from 6.30pm to 8pm in the library
- Tuesday 5th November 2024 from 6.30pm to 8pm in the library
- Tuesday 14th January 2025 from 6.30pm to 8pm in the library
- Tuesday 11th March 2025 from 6.30pm to 8pm in the library
- Tuesday 22nd April 2025 from 6.30pm to 8pm in the library
- Tuesday 20th May 2025 from 6.30pm to 8pm in the library
- Tuesday 17th June 2025 from 6.30pm to 8pm in the library
Our sponsors
Click here to download the list of sponsors
How to contact us
Email us on:
Please follow this link for our website
Please follow this link for our Facebook page