Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Information
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Students in Year 10 and 11 at KCC are set aspirational target grades. These grades are based on their outcomes from their Key Stage 2 assessments at the end of primary school and are compared to data nationally to ensure that we are setting students up to achieve the best outcomes possible. Where students have not taken end of key stage 2 assessments, the targets are worked out using the results of baseline assessments that were taken at the start of Year 7. By knowing what to aim for, students are then able to translate this into what they need to do in lessons and how hard they need to work outside of lessons in order to achieve these aspirational goals. There are instances where students will be able to achieve more than their target grades and students should always aim to meet this grade at least, but not be limited by it. Student’s targets are never a ceiling for their achievement – they are a goal to aim for and even surpass.
Students in Year 12 and 13 are also set aspirational target grades. These grades are based on the student’s outcomes at GCSE and are compared to students’ grades on a national scale to ensure that we are aiming for students to achieve the best outcomes possible. The same applies for 6th form target grades as for those at GCSE: target grades are never a ceiling for student’s achievement – they are a goal to strive for and to try and surpass.