Our People

Senior Leadership Team

Principal Mrs Tina Graham
Deputy Principal Mrs Sarah Stead
Assistant Principal/Director of Sixth Form Mrs Emily Lilley
Assistant Principal (Attendance and Inclusion) Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Kelly Ray
Assistant Principal (Behaviour and Attitudes) Mr Tom Chisholm
Assistant Principal/SENDCo Mrs Jane Blumer


Raising Standards Leads and Inclusion Leads

Year 7 Raising Standards Lead

Mrs Richards
Inclusion Lead Year 7 Mrs Richards

Year 7 Raising Standards Lead

Hannah Cox

Inclusion Lead Year 8

Raising Standards Lead Year 8

Miss Hackley 

Mr Hart

Year 9 Raising Standards Lead Mr Renwick 
Inclusion Lead Year 9 Mrs Herselman
Year 10 Raising Standards Lead Mr Puttock
Inclusion Lead Year 10 Mr Drew
Year 11 Raising Standards Lead Miss Donlin 

Inclusion Lead Year 11

Ms Lee

Assistant Director of Sixth Form (Year 12 & 13)

Mrs Aldworth Jones

Inclusion Lead Sixth Form  - Ms F Wycherley




Heads of Department

Art Mrs Ryrie
Drama Mr Ben Smith 
DT Mr Taylor
English Miss Renshaw
Geography Mr Fitzpatrick

Mr Lambshead 

ICT Mr Courtice
Learning Support Mrs Blumer
Maths Mr Greeves
Media Mr Kirby
MFL Mrs Mayo
Music Mr White
PE Mr Meatyard
RE Mr Bentham
Science Mr Hamilton
Social Science Mrs Edwards
Vocational Learning Mrs Burnett





Mrs Blumer

Support Staff

PA to Principal and Clerk to the Governors Emma McQuitty
PA to Director of Sixth Form & Study Support Supervisor Alice Taylor
Learning Support Administrator  Clare Roberts
Exams Officer and Cover Manager Clare Goode
Attendance Officer Lyn Crowe
Front of House Manager Irene Mellor


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